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Why is an electronic thermometer a good choice for measuring refrigerator temperature?

Normally, the refrigerator's temperature is usually preset to the default value specified by the manufacturer. However, this temperature can be adjusted to suit specific uses. In the article below, EMIN will answer your questions about this issue.

Determine the ideal temperature for your home refrigerator

Current refrigerators, freezers and freezers all have the ability to adjust cooling temperature. They are set to temperature levels from 1 to 9°C, and each bar on the device represents an increase or decrease in temperature. The first line usually represents the warmest level, while the last line represents the coldest level.

When set to the lowest level, the temperature in the cabinet will be higher, conversely, when selecting the highest level, the temperature will be lower. However, it is not necessary that the highest level is the best choice. More importantly, you just need to choose the cooling level that best suits your needs.

What is the best temperature for the freezer compartment of the refrigerator?

The freezer compartment in the refrigerator plays an important role in preserving frozen foods and producing ice. To ensure the best level of freezing, the temperature in the freezer needs to be maintained below 0°C.

Usually the temperature in the freezer is set at -18°C to prevent the growth of bacteria and help food be preserved longer.

Preserving food in the refrigerator: Optimal temperature level for the refrigerator

We often have the notion that the colder it is, the better the temperature in the cooler. However, in reality this is not necessarily the case. For the cooler, simply setting the temperature at 0°C is enough to preserve food effectively. With this temperature level, you can store foods such as soft drinks, candy, cosmetics and food for later meals.

Set the refrigerator temperature to ensure fresh food stays fresh

To avoid freezing or spoiling fresh food, you need to consider the temperature in the refrigerator. Temperatures that are too low not only freeze food but also waste electricity. However, if the temperature is too high and there is not enough cold air to preserve food, it can lead to spoilage and poisoning.

Therefore, the best temperature to preserve fresh food in the refrigerator is from 0 to 4°C. With this temperature level, food will maintain its quality, nutritional integrity and always be fresh.

How to measure refrigerator temperature accurately and easily

To accurately and quickly measure and determine the temperature in the refrigerator, you can try the following methods:

Using an electronic thermometer UNI-T A61 electronic thermometer: This method allows you to measure the refrigerator temperature most accurately and quickly. Simply place the thermometer in the refrigerator and wait a few seconds for the thermometer to display the temperature value. UNI-T A61 electronic thermometer is an accurate and convenient digital thermometer. To measure the refrigerator temperature, you just need to put the thermometer in the refrigerator and read the temperature value displayed on the screen. Detailed installation and usage instructions can be found in the accompanying manual or on the manufacturer's website.

Below are some types of electronic thermometers you can refer to:

- Electronic thermometer SATO SK-250WPII-N

-Electronic thermometer Thermoprobe TL1-A...

Detailed information customers can see here!!!

Things to keep in mind when adjusting the refrigerator temperature:

After knowing the good temperature levels for the refrigerator, there are a few issues to keep in mind when adjusting the temperature:

-Seasonal adjustment: During the cold season, the temperature can be reduced to level 3 and increased to level 4 in hot weather. In addition, depending on the amount of food in the refrigerator, adjust accordingly.

-Regularly clean the refrigerator, check the door tightness and see if cold air is escaping.

-Avoid opening the door for too long to avoid losing cold air.

-Do not unplug the power plug continuously when the refrigerator is not in use.


Maintaining the right temperature in the refrigerator plays an important role in long-term preservation of foods, ensuring their nutritional value is retained when used during processing. Through this article, EMIN hopes you have a clearer view of the ideal temperature in the refrigerator. At the same time, you have also learned how to measure refrigerator temperature simply and accurately as introduced above. If you need any questions answered, please contact via website: EMIN.VN for necessary information!

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