Switching Power Supply - Preen AFV-P Series
Series AFV-P of Preen has upto 9 times inrush capability

Preen’s AFV-P series, high performance programmable AC power source, provides standard inrush current capability up to 4.5 times of output rated current (Irms) and optional 9 times inrush capability, which makes the AFV-P series the industry-leading AC source that delivers the highest peak current with the smallest output power. It is an ideal AC power source for high inrush current drawn by the switching power supplies and helps users to effectively save the cost and space. Moreover, the users can set the start and end angle with the AFV-P series to simulate the maximum peak current (Ipeak) at the initial power-on stage to ensure product reliability at different input conditions.
Using AFV-P-1250 model as an example, the graph below is the turn-on waveform of a switching power supply with start angle at 90 degrees.

Compact Sizes
2U : 600VA / 1250VA / 2500VA
4U : 500VA

High Inrush Current
Ideal for inrush current: capable to deliver up to 4.5 times of peak current

Total Harmonic Distortion is only under 0.3% when output power is under 100 Hz

AC source with DC output
One machine with AC Output and DC Output to extend more applications

Wide Output
Wide output Voltage and Frequency ranges

High Slew Rate
The slew rate less than 300 µs from 0~90% output voltage